The mental heath issues of children and adolescents are not solved systematically in the Czech educational system. The project Relax Yourself deals with the present situation of frequent isolation and uncommon conditions at schools. There is increasing need of practical solutions on how to improve the mental state of children and adolescents and their ability to prevent or overcome mental discomfort. The aim of the project is to make pupils (11-16) understand that mental health is an important part of life and well being.

The project comes with:

  • an audiovisual educational program composed of 8 thematically focused modules (90 minutes each). These modules consist of interactive methodical procedures, exercises and games, user friendly methodology and a list of thematic literature for teachers. The program can be used during school lessons, project days or schools in nature.
  • 20 podcasts recorded in cooperation with experts or people with personal experience of mental discomfort or desease
  • 2 seminars
  • an online conference

More about the project in the presentation HERE